Sneaky Obama? Barack Obama To Appear on “O’Reilly Factor” The Same Night McCain Gives His Acceptance Speech

The New York Times has reported that Presidential Candidate, Barack Obama, will make his first appearance on conservative, Bill O’Reilly’s, “The O’Reilly Factor” this Thursday. Normally this wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but I find it curious that he decided to make his first appearance on the same night that John McCain is supposed to give his acceptance speech. Could this be a little bit of payback, for McCain unveiling his highly controversial VP pick, the day after Obama’s historic acceptance speech? If so, this would be a stroke of genius on his part, but as many know, FOX News is known for blindsiding it’s guests. This could cause potential problems for Obama if he commits some sort of gaffe, that takes the focus off of Palin and McCain, and shifts it back to him. It seems as though both sides are taking risks in this election, and it’s looking to be a very interesting Fall.


  1. Obama is willing to get into the pig sty with Bill
    O’Reilly but McCain refuses to be interviewed by Larry King.

  2. That’s a good point. I guess McCain is upset about the Campbell Brown interview with one of his strategists.

  3. […] Barack Obama teamed up with Rupert Murdoch? The New York Times has reported that Presidential Candidate, Barack Obama, will make his first […]

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