Arianna Huffington: McCain’s Move to the Right

White House High

Words by Taylr Mayd

The presidential election is like being in high school. The people who generally have the best time, are the people who are either liked or are popular. This is exactly what we are dealing with in American politics. The past 8 years have been about who was more popular on that Tuesday in November. Let’s all remember those months leading up to that election.

As some would say, the winner of the game is not always the best team. In 2000, the two best teams actually lost (don’t forget McCain was shooting for a nomination). Why did they both lose? McCain was branded a maverick and too unpredictable (e.g. that crazy kid in your high school that you’re cool with because you don’t want him to snap and go after you). Gore was labeled to stiff and predictable (e.g. an uncool nerd).

In 2004, John Kerry became the victim of the unpopularity train. It was all too easy to forget the fact that the guy was a genuine war hero, and had served the country for many years in Washington. He was attacked for being competent and responsible (e.g. a goody two shoes teachers pet).

In both of those scenarios, George W. Bush was able to play his role as first, the compassionate conservative, then the one who is blessed to lead, and then the only man who can protect us all from the evil people in the world that hate us for our freedom. In high school he would have been the jock, the lucky guy, and the guy whose folks are rich (that one’s not that far of a stretch). While Dick Cheney would be the side kick who has been carrying a switchblade to school since the fourth grade.

Now, what does all of this mean? It means that the prom is coming up and we (as voters) are still looking at the prom dates and are not quite clear who we want. McCain and Palin are like the kids who are familiar and the one that may actually look hot back at the hotel, although you’re not sold on taking them. Obama and Biden are like the cool kids that seem alright, but Obama’s the inner city transfer kid your parents won’t approve of and Biden is so decent that it must be something wrong with him.

I just hope that whoever we pick for the prom……..they put out the good stuff….

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Governor Sarah Palin Vlog: CHARLIE PRACTICE!